Wednesday 22 February 2012

Aldo and Ana Lia's Performance

I'm sure everyone would agree that last weekend's workshops with Aldo and Ana lia were a great success. The quality of the teaching and the content of the lessons were top class. And what a wonderful performance by Aldo and Ana Lia at our monthly milonga. Can't wait to see them back again! In case you missed it, or want to see it again, here it is:

Thursday 16 February 2012


Milonga Saturday February 18th WINDSOR LAWN TENNIS CLUB from 9pm, with DJ John and profomances from Aldo and Ana Lia. Price £5.

WORKSHOPS: Sunday February 19th QUB Students Union.

2- 3.30 (Beg) 3 tempos of Giros

3.45- 5.15 (Beg/Imp) Milonguero Style

5.30- 7pm (Imp) Milonga Traspie.

£10 for 1 class, £15, £20 for 3 classes.